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Journaling Prompt #5 – Observing Food

June 11th, 2008 by Avital

This prompt is the third in the series of observation prompts. This series is designed to make us more susceptible to small details that spruce up our writing and help our stories evoke more emotions.

The first prompt was all about observing people. The second prompt called for observing the environment. This week’s prompt is inviting you to observe food.

There is so much more in food than its taste, though it is important to pay attention to the wide spectrum of flavors in each bite we take. Food also smells and has different textures and evokes emotions and memories (Why else would the phrase “comfort food” become so commonly used).

This week I invite you to enhance your eating experience by paying special attention to food and write about it. In your observation, use all five senses:

What does the food smell like?

What noise does the food make when you bite into it?

Which flavors does the food have? (What sensations does the food bring to your taste buds?)

What texture does the food have?

How does the food look like?

Don’t stop there, keep on documenting – Does this food bring up any memories? How does it make you feel after eating it? Does eating this food make you feel like a part of a group? A part of a family? A part of a unique culture? Write everything down (Adding photos can help for future reminiscing).

You are more than welcome to share your food observation with me. Just leave a comment below with your food-story or a link to your blog.

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