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Creativity Prompt #2 – Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

May 16th, 2008 by Avital

Santa Cruz Wharf

Every person has his own comfort zone to dwell in. Whether you are writing, painting, scrapbooking or running a business – you have it. I know I do. Playing safe has its benefits. It helps you create and perfect a sistem which works for you and it becomes a familiar place to fall into.

Having said that, note that playing it safe degenerates your creativity. It keeps you in a place of stagnation – in your comfort zone. The longer you stay in it, the harder it is to get out of it. In a way, your comfort zone reflects your inner voice that tells you you aren’t good enough or that you are not capable of expanding, or worse – that you don’t deserve it.

Therefore, one way of igniting your creativity is to get out of your comfort zone, even if you do it just once. The satisfaction you’ll get might make you do it again and again …

If you are always making a 12X12 layouts – go ahead and create an album in which every page has a different size.

If you are used to writing prose – write a poem or even a play.

If you are used to sketching in your art journal – buy a canvas and play with paints and brushes.

If you are using acrylics – try water color or oil paint instead.


Your detour from your comfort zone can be as far or as near as you wish. However, the point of this prompt is not to play it safe, so don’t take baby steps but jump right into the deep water. Unless, going too far means you won’t go anywhere at all.


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