First, I would like to express my gratitude towards you for simply stopping by my blog every week!
I love my readers and appreciate your vast support in 2011.
I am also incredibly thankful for the heartfelt messages and sweet words you have left on my last post.
It has all been worthwhile!
You are the greatest.
Finally, I want to thank everyone who participated in my “Vote For Your Dream Printable” survey!
You are still welcome to place your votes, if you hadn’t already placed them.
You are probably curious as for the results [so far – as I have left the survey open], so here they are:
- Type –
- 1st place – rectangular journaling cards [40%];
- 2nd place – shaped journaling cards [22%];
- 3rd place – plain [12%].
- Theme –
Here we have a definite winner, with 80% of the votes, and it is ‘everyday’. - Text –
- 1st place – Documentation;
- 2nd place – time;
- 3rd place – plain.
So expect to see more of the ones you love in 2012.

Check out Creativity Prompt’s unique self paced workshop: “Make Your Own Planner”. In this workshop you will make a beautiful handmade planner for 2012. Not only will you get the planner kit for instant download, but you will also get a high resolution video tutorial as well as printable instructions to guide you on each step of the way. Either treat yourself or get it to create wonderful gifts for your family and friends.
Join now – for only $12
And…thank YOU for such an enjoyable blog!
Why, thank you!