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Creativity Prompt #11 – Go Where You Have Not Gone Before -or- Digital Scrapbooking

July 18th, 2008 by Avital

When I feel uninspired and blocked I am trying to go where I have not gone before. I am trying to experiment with new techniques and with new styles. Working on something you haven’t worked on before makes you slow down and carefully go forward – step by step – until you have reached fruition.

Many times slowing down and “tip-toeing” around helps to ignite creativity and spark your muse again. Not to mention that achieving results on a completely new turf helps in boosting your confidence and sparking your sense of self achievement as well.

While going through the unfamiliar path keep in mind that you are just a novice and adjust your expectations accordingly, otherwise you may lose all the advantages in your little exploration trip.

In my case, a field I have not yet tried out (among many others) is digital scrapbooking.

I have stumbled upon a great website, called Scrapblog which is perfect to a new timer like me. There is absolutely nothing I need to know except for drag and drop. That works perfectly well for me and have I mentioned it is completely FREE? (By the way, other than using their services I have absolutely no connection to this website, whatsoever).

This is my trial layout:

You can also try Adobe Photoshop Elements which is also a very simple program for digital scrapbooking. This program gives you much more control in designing your layouts and editing your photos, but it isn’t free and you need to learn some more basic skills than just dragging and dropping ….

There are many, many online stores that sell digital backgrounds and digital brushes and fonts for your digital scrapbooking. Check out the variety at Scrapbook.com and Two Peas In A Bucket for some ideas.

Another Cool website which sells digital scrapbooking goodies is: Designer Digitals. I especially love the Ali Edwards line.

So, this week’s creativity prompt is to try something new. Go digital, go traditional or go hybrid. Just go to a new place, where you have not yet been before.


3 Comments to “Creativity Prompt #11 – Go Where You Have Not Gone Before -or- Digital Scrapbooking”

  1. Roxie says:

    Thanks for the suggestion and the link to the digiscrapping place. I like using pen and paper because I do so much else online, but I’m going to try this.

    • Avital says:

      I am a traditional scrapbooker myself, but I think it is important to get out of my comfort zone once in a while ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Thanks for the shout out! Let me know if you ever have any questions, comments or suggestions!

    Rebecca Saylor
    Community Manager