This week I am sharing a set of FREE autumnal journaling tags with you guys (for personal use only).
If you are wondering what font I used for the word “Autumnal”, it’s MUTLU. Gorgeous, isn’t it?
To download it simply click on the image (or the link) and if it doesn’t work try to right-click on it and opt for the “save target as…†option (it may be phrased a bit differently on different operating systems – but do NOT opt for the “save image as†option, as you will get the low resolution tiny preview image).
I hope you like it and have lots and lots and lots of fun with it.
Make sure you didn’t miss the rest of the free printables on Creativity Prompt.
How are you going to use these labels? Please leave a comment and share.

Check out Creativity Prompt’s self paced workshop: “Capture Your Dream”. In this workshop you will capture, follow and make your dream come true as well as document your journey in a fabulous mixed media mini album.
Tags: autumn, fall, freebie, Journaling Cards, journaling labels, Journaling spots, journaling tags, printable
That’s one of the prettiest fonts I’ve seen, Avital! Thanks for sharing the name and thank you for the wonderful freebie! You are so generous! Have a wonderful weekend! 🙂
You are very very welcome!
These are fab! I think they will look amazing in my Gratitude journal that I’m planning for November! Thank you so much!
I’m glad you like it! The gratitude journal sounds like a great idea. This free workshop that I shared last year might be helpful too:
Thanks you so juch for your journaling freebies. I spent several hours last night downloading and printing. You are the best!!
I’m so glad you like them, Carmen. Thank you for stopping by. There are many more to come 🙂
Many thanks for sharing. They can also double as banners!
That’s a great idea! I actually use that shape in this way in a printable I’ll post Monday!
I love them two! Orange! Yum!!
They’re extremely contemporary and versatile!
mille mercis Avital!!
j’adore !… vous avez beaucoup de talent et vos créations sont toujours très réussies !… merci de les partager avec nous… je poste un lien tout de suite ! ( – j’ai déjà plus de 12000 liens vers des téléchargements gratuits !)