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Inspiration Prompt #16 – Authenticity

September 8th, 2008 by Avital

If I am I because I am I, and you are you because you are you, then I am I and you are you. But if I am I because you are you, and you are you because I am I, then I am not I and you are not you.

–Menahem Mendel of Kotzk

Authenticity is the most important building block in leading a creative life.

Unfortunately, modern life does not give much room for authenticity. The fast pace of life, the strong wish to fit in and adjust to social conventions, the fear of criticism and ridicule – all are pushing us towards living the life we think we should live, rather than living our life authentically and allowing ourselves to roll the way we roll.

This week’s inspiration prompt is all about authenticity.

Follow these 2 easy steps to become more authentic:

  1. Let go of preconceived ideas. Fitting in and following conventions cannot lead to innovation. Great ideas are always conceived by thinking “outside of the box” and breaking all the rules. This is what “new” is all about. Forget about what other people think is right or wrong. Stop listening to what other people consider as ‘art’ or as “proper writing”. Make your own rules.
  2. Reconnect with yourself. After you have let go of popular conceptions (or misconceptions), you need to find your own voice. Think about what makes you “tick”, consider these questions:
    • What book do you revisit time and again?
    • What color or color combination appeal to your eye?
    • What song do you hear over and over again?
    • What images come to your mind when you are daydreaming?
    • Without any restrains of time and money (or gossip…), what do you see yourself doing in life?

    After you have found your own voice, nurture it and follow its advice – following your own voice and believing in it is the very definition of authenticity.

What do you think about authenticity? Do you feel like you are true to your self? Please leave a comment and share your thoughts with me.

Giveaway –

You can still win a free copy of my new e-book. Leave a comment here with some feedback on this blog to enter the giveaway.

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5 Comments to “Inspiration Prompt #16 – Authenticity”

  1. “Forget about what other people think is right or wrong.” This is very hard to do! I generally think that I am true to myself, but I definitely don’t ignore other people’s opinions. You just gave me a lot to think about.

    • Avital says:

      I guess that I should have phrased it more accurately… It is how you react to other people’s opinion that counts. You should definitely open your mind. You can learn something new from every one. However, you need to identify the thin line that separates learning from following.

  2. Roxie says:

    I long to live a truly creative life, to break away from 9-5 (or in my case 7-3) and make a living from my own creations. But how to do that is another question entirely!

    • Avital says:

      You seem already halfway through… Having a concise dream and grabbing any opportunity to follow it is a good way to go there.

      By the way, have you entered the giveaway?

      The e-book may also be helpful in getting back the wonderful passion to create, the strong desire you have had as a child.

  3. Jessica says:

    I was Surfing for something completely different, but got your page Inspiration Prompt #16 – Authenticity | Creativity Prompt and found it Interesting.Nice Post on kitchen layout ideas…Thanks.