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Inspiration Prompt – Give Yourself Permission To Make Art

February 23rd, 2009 by Avital

We are busy people. So busy that we forget ourselves. Our passions. Our will.

Our attention is divided so thinly there is nothing left for ourselves. We are torn apart.

For this week’s inspiration prompt I ask you to give yourself permission to make art. Allow yourself a couple hours, an hour, half an hour, 15 minutes… whatever you can spare to make something creative. Be it a short story. An art journal entry. a painting. a scrapbook. A card. A sculpture. A summer dress – just give yourself the gift of time and indulge.

For further motivation, I want to share another video from my You Tube’s favorites list. This video is by: Jan Phillips:


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6 Comments to “Inspiration Prompt – Give Yourself Permission To Make Art”

  1. Marla says:

    Thanks for the inspiration to keep on creating. I do this to help keep my sanity. I love it and try to do it at least once a week if not more often.

    • Avital says:

      That’s fabulous. I hope you’ll manage to squeeze in as much creative time as you need and wish for 🙂

  2. Emily says:

    Found your site through a rabbit trail of other blogs and I’m really enjoying the prompts. Today’s prompt really hit me, I really struggle to find time to just create and enjoy mixing paints.

    • Avital says:

      Thanks for the kind comment. I am a person that for a few years had only been buying supplies and never indulged in any actual creating time… Soooo, I understand 🙂

  3. ruthi says:

    beautifully put in words and pictures what has for years now become my way of living. thanks for sharing.