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Inspiration Prompt – Healing Words Of Wisdom

March 9th, 2009 by Avital
Healing Words Of Wisdom
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about the photographer’s great story

Sometimes the right words at the right time, combined with divine music, can get your tears to well up and your heart to beat faster.

Sometimes words can be healing.

It doesn’t take much to remind you what’s important and to lead you back onto the golden path. It takes a big and kind heart and an observant eye on one end and an open heart and attentive ear on the other end.

The right words let your mind wander into a serene place where everything is just a little bit better. Your burdens a little bit lighter. Your hurdles a little bit shorter and your sunshine a little bit brighter. This is where this video by Mccabe has taken me.

Sit back, relax, open your heart and watch this fantastic video:

If you recognize whose music is it, please share,
as I would like to buy this track and listen to it a million times.

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6 Comments to “Inspiration Prompt – Healing Words Of Wisdom”

  1. Rachael says:

    The song is called “Concerning the UFO Sighting Near Highland, Illinois” by Sufjan Stevens. It’s on the album Illinois. I highly recommend buying the whole album!

  2. tapperboy says:

    What a happy making thing to find my image here 🙂

    Better still to be introduced to the music of Sufjan Stevens. I’d not heard of him before this but have now got hold of his Illinois album. I’m listening to “Jacksonkville” from the album as I am typing this. Brilliant turn of events!