I’ve been inspired by the lyrics of this song and decided to make my own inspiration “poster”. I used the fonts: Arial and FFF Tusj. I also used a couple textures, courtesy of Shadowhouse Creations.
Don’t you wish you could fly to the moon and sing among the stars?
I do.
What words inspire you?

Back when we were kids creativity came naturally to us. Everything was possible and our prolific imagination was the only limit we knew.
Through the years we have grown apart from our inner creative child and along with that – have lost our pristine and utter joy of creation.
In this e-book I will pave your way back to your inner creative child, brick by brick.
“Unleashing The Creative Child Within You” will explain why you became distant from your core creativity and will reveal the secret to getting it back.
With exercises designed specifically to help you find the inner child within you, regain its confidence and unleash it – you are bound to get your mojo back faster than you think.
Your inner creative child wants to come out and play, so click here to get “Unleashing The Creative Child Within You” now.
Tags: Inspiration prompt, music
Very cool! What a wonderful thought that is! I’ve actually had that thought myself when looking at the gorgeous night sky filled with stars! Now, if only I could sing! lol
I love song lyrics. There are so many that inspire me. Radiohead has some of the best in my opinion.
Ooh, I love radiohead! Which is your favorite?