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Inspiration Prompt – Don’t Quit

July 6th, 2009 by Avital

Inspiration Prompt - Don't QuitOftentimes embarking on a new journey, especially when taking the road less traveled, incites apprehension and fear. After the first curve in the road when the start point is already hidden and the final destination is far from being seen the anxiety worsens and the tension increases.

With each hurdle a wee bit of the initial motivation gets lost and after a few more of these bumps-in-the-road the motivation may be decreased to a faint mumble.

This is when thoughts about quitting are starting to afloat.

In this week’s inspiration prompt I suggest instead that we stop, take a gulp of air and recall what was it that sent us running in the first place? What led us to the starting point? What made our heart pulse faster? What made us smile? What made us believe in our journey?

To inspire you to continue your journey I want to share a video by Anthony Fernando:


Have you ever considered quitting a journey on the road less traveled? Share your thoughts and experience by leaving a comment on this post!


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2 Comments to “Inspiration Prompt – Don’t Quit”

  1. Dawn says:

    I just found this site by accident as I’m not on the computer for long periods of time (3 small kids will do that!) I LOVE that video and it was just what I needed today! Thank you!