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Journaling Prompt – New Year’s Resolutions Series – Step 2: Contemplate

December 9th, 2009 by Avital
New Year's Resolution
[Photo by: Keven Law]

I love making lists. I make a lot of lists. Perhaps too many lists. Okay, I make way too many list.

However, a list of resolutions isn’t like any other list. It’s a special list, thus requires a special process ensuring each and every item belongs there and is feasible.

Therefore I am posting this special “New Years Resolutions Series”, to provide a surefire system to compile a successful New Year resolutions list.

Step 1


Step 2

In this week’s prompt we are going to reflect on the memories we have gathered last week and contemplate.

Go over your notes or list from last week and write down under each resolution or dream:

  1. What had helped you to meet your resolutions in the past/last year?
  2. What had prevented you from fulfilling your wishes in the past/last year?
  3. What do realized resolutions have in common?
  4. What do unsatisfied resolutions have in common?

As you reflect you may come up with some new understandings and self revelations – write them down as well.

Step 3


Step 4



What new understandings and self revelations have you come up with? Share your process by leaving a comment on this post. I love to discuss prompts with you!

Make Your Own Planner Workshop
Do you have last minute gift giving challenges?

Check out the new “Make Your Own Planner” workshop and you may solve them…

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4 Comments to “Journaling Prompt – New Year’s Resolutions Series – Step 2: Contemplate”

  1. I’ll sure give it some thoughts.
    One of the key elements for me is to keep the list of resolutions to a minimal ( 1 to 3 )…
    Thank You Avital!

  2. I’ve never heard or read this approach to resolutions before, but I like it! I’ve started working with The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron and I think I’d like to make thoughts of contemplating resolutions part of my Mourning Papers writing. I’ve got a feeling that there might be some interesting discoveries.

    I found you on Twitter first and then your blog. Glad I stumbled this way. Will look around her more to see what else I can learn. Thank you.


    • Avital says:

      Welcome, Melody!

      I’m glad I have inspired you to try something new. Incorporating these steps in your morning pages sounds like a great idea! Please come back and tell me how it worked out for you.