This week’s journaling prompt is inspired by my mom, who read to me in confidence something she had written in a time of change.
Let me backtrack a little bit, tell you something about my mom and tie it all in with Monday’s inspiration prompt.
My mom used to be a teacher. She was the kind of teacher who gives part of her body and soul to her students. She used to teach in schools whose students came from a social economic background that did not leave much hope – but my mom had given hope to her students, who had won national writing contests with her guidance and encouragement.
After many years of teaching children, she was injured while guarding a kid at school with her own body. Using her human shield she took on a kick aimed at a kid that had ruptured her liver and could have killed the poor kid.
My mom, the fortress of comfort and safety, became sick. Her body weakened and after a few more years she was asked to retire for medical reasons (after repeatedly winning educational trophies – each and every year).
The early retirement (just a few years before she was at the legal retirement age) hurt her more than the kick and its medical repercussions has ever done. She lost her ray of light – helping children reach their full potential.
Little by little, year by year, she started withering in a way that had broken my heart. She stopped thinking about herself altogether and only lived for others. Only cared for others. Only breathed for others.
Just a week ago she called me and for the first time in a long time she looked genuinely happy. She said she has decided to take a step towards accepting herself and loving herself again and she is going to do that through writing and painting.
Then she read to me.
And I cried inside.
She wrote about how writing makes her feel.
And I wept. Inside.
I am so happy for her and wish her only the very best. Hopefully her new teacher will be as wonderful to her as my mom was to her students.
I want to spread my mom’s educational spirit and encourage you to take the time and list what are the things you can do for yourself, what activities can you engage in, that will make you feel better and love yourself.
How can you treat yourself better? leave a comment below and share with me. I love hearing from you and I almost always reply.

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