[Digital Kits: KD Cardstock Essentials, KD Blakely & KD Capture + Record – All by Karla Dudley]
Do you know an angel?
I know one.
My angel has a pure heart and beaming eyes.
My angel only knows one feeling. My angel knows LOVE.
My angel doesn’t envy. My angel isn’t mad. My angel doesn’t compete. My angel doesn’t hurt. My angel doesn’t lie. My angel doesn’t swear. He NEVER does. Ever.
My angel doesn’t wear wings, does yours do?
[In this layout is my nephew Shoham, 9 years old.]
Digital Tip
I created the word art in this layout my self. This is how I did it:
- First, I wrote my words on a white paper with various pens (both plain black pens and black calligraphy pens).
- Next, I scanned my paper in high resolution (600 dpi) and saved it as a JPG file.
- Then I opened the file with my Photoshop Elements and cranked up the levels [ctr+L/CMD+L]. Turning the “black” dial all the way to the first peak and the mid-tones dial all the way to the black one. The effect you are looking for is to have all the black parts REALLY black and all the white parts REALLY white.
- Then I turned my background layer into a simple layer, by clicking on it twice and opened a new layer beneath it.
- I made sure that I am on the original layer and picked up all the white parts with the Quick Selection Tool. I then pressed “delete” and the transparent layer showed up where the white used to be. I picked each of the small cavities inside the letters (e.g. the O’s and A’s) individually and deleted these white parts too.
- Then I merged the two layers together (merge not simplify!) and saved the file as a PNG file to keep the transparent attributes.
- Once your text is on a transparent background, you can select each word and each letter individually with the selection tool and then adjust its height and width with the move tool.
Give it a try, it is so simple and it lets you inject some personality to the digital layout. No tablet is necessary!
Who is the angel in your life? share your thoughts by leaving a message.
Are you planning on giving the digital word art a try? If you do, please share your work with us.

Tags: angel, Digital Scrapbooking, Journaling Prompt, life, tip, Word art
You always impress me, but this one took my breath away..It is stunning!!!
Oops – went too soon, i was adding what a handsome little boy he is!
Kathy, thank you so much! I guess the best creativity prompt is to do what you are doing from your heart…
Really pretty, Avital, and also a great tute. xoxo
Thanks Aimeslee, you are very welcome!