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Posts Tagged ‘new beginnings’

Journaling Prompt #15 – New Beginnings

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2008

Time to begin something new

September brings along many new beginnings. The new school year (for the students, teachers or parents among us). A new season. A fresh post-vacation start at work – whether at the office or at home. New releases of TV schedules and products as well as the beginning of the new year by the Hebrew calendar.

New beginnings are inherently flooding us with contrasting emotions. On the one hand we are filled with excitement and anticipation of the opportunity to start afresh; but on the other hand feelings of fear and apprehension are flooding us as well. The fear of change and the end of former phases in our lives.

A great way of dealing with the avalanche of ambivalent emotions is to write them down. Take your favorite pen and your favorite notepad and journal (am I the only one who has favorite pens + notepads?!?) and convey all these mixed feelings into the blank paper.

Writing everything down is not only therapeutic but can also help you to brainstorm a better beginning for yourself and your loved ones.

This week’s journaling prompt is to write about your beginnings.

  • What new beginnings are you facing at the moment?
  • What feelings does the new beginnings provoke in you?
  • What lesson would you like to teach yourself or your loved ones about dealing with beginnings from your past experience?
  • How are you going about your new beginnings? Do you have any special plans? Have you got some new resolutions for a fresh start?
  • What do you wish for yourself on your new beginning?

I will be very happy if you shared your thoughts about new beginnings with me. Please leave a comment to this post.

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