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Posts Tagged ‘uniqueness’

Inspiration Prompt – You Are Special

Monday, February 2nd, 2009
[Photo by: bobinson]

You are special. There is no one like you. You are unique.

Even someone subject to genetic manipulation is unique, as he absorbs the environment and the experiences he has been through. He is influenced by the sights he has seen. The scents he has smelled. The flavors he has tasted. The textures he has touched and the sounds he has heard throughout his life. He is affected by his friendships and his love affairs. He is inspired by his teachers. This person is as different as one can be from his genes’ donor.

Think about it. If a person who has been genetically reproduced [for the sake of conversation, lets assume it is possible and has been done] is unique, then you are unique as well. Life has carved a person – to whom there is no match!

Live the life of the unique person you are! Do not try to resemble others and respect your authenticity.

Lets get inspired by Dale Carnegie’s words:

You are something new in this world. Never before, since the beginning of time, has there ever been anybody exactly like you; and never again throughout all the ages to come will there ever be anybody exactly like you again.

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Journaling Prompt #23 – The One And Only, YOU

Wednesday, October 29th, 2008

The one and only, YOU! I have noticed lately, that I say: “X, the one and only” very often. (The ‘x’ naturally stands for a different person each time.) This figure of speech has made me ponder…

Aren’t we all unique individuals? Isn’t each of us “the one and only”?

Every person is born and keep on growing and forming into a unique person. Everyone has a special set of skills, traits, thoughts, aspirations and looks. No one is the same (and thanks god for that 🙂 .) Everyone is one of a kind. Everyone has something he/she is particularly good at. Everyone can contribute a different outlook or a distinctive set of mind to a conversation. Everyone is unique.

A while back I have written a post on the importance of being authentic. Being authentic means to stay true to yourself and to believe in your own way. While authenticity is something you need to nurture, uniqueness is something you inherently have.

For this week’s journaling prompt I ask you to embrace your uniqueness.

Grab your journal and start writing:

  • What are your strongest traits?
  • What are your best skills?
  • What would the following people answer, when asked to describe you in a sentence:
    • Your colleague.
    • Your friend.
    • Your kids.
    • Your husband.
    • Your parents.
    • Your sibling.
  • What differentiate you from others? What makes you special?
  • What makes you, ‘YOU’?

Be nice to yourself! Write a long list or a short list, it doesn’t matter – as long as you are taking the time to observe and embrace your uniqueness.

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