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Posts Tagged ‘Guest Post’

Guest Post – Snapshots In Time by Monika Wright

Wednesday, December 29th, 2010


Hi, I’m Monika Wright and I’m so pleased to be guest hosting here at Creativity Prompt. I have used Avital’s downloads and have even been featured here on the blog before!

I love the fact that I can capture memories in a format that is lovely and pleasing to the eye. While I do create scrapbook layouts, my first love is really the mini-album. I love that I can create little snippets of our family history in a format that is user-friendly…no one minds flipping through a mini whereas it is somewhat more difficult to pull out the 12×12 scrapbook.

Snapshots In Time

A new year is almost upon us, can you believe it? With a new year, it almost always has us thinking of new ways to reinvent ourselves, to make ourselves better versions of who we already are. With that in mind, I’m sharing with you today a mini-book to help you track your progress throughout 2011.


There are a number of options for this lovely little journal and I’d like to suggest a few ways you might want to use the downloads I’ve designed for you. These and other downloads are all available in the sidebar of my blog. I’m using this mini-album kit from my Etsy shop as the base for my journal.

A sweet way to track and remember the monthly milestones of your newborn baby:

New Year

Never forget birthdays again! Use these pages as a place to permanently record important birthdates and anniversaries:


Resolutions? Weight loss goals? Highlight your monthly accomplishments as a reminder of how strong you really are:

New Year

Journal your One Little Word each month {my word is JOY} or even Gratitudes:

New Year

Jot family highlights each month as they happen and include photos adhered back-to-back:

New Year

School related topics:

Begin this journal at the start of the school year and highlight the activities, achievements and milestones of your student

Use it to chronicle the months leading up to your child’s Senior Year of high school

New Year

Special Offer

I didn’t purchase anything extra for this journal, using items from my stash and the kit from my Etsy shop. If you purchase a kit, please let me know you saw this tutorial on Creativity Prompt and I will include lots of the little extras that you see here in this tutorial, including the four colors of baker’s twine from The Twinery. Thanks so much for letting me share my project with you today and I hope you’ll have an opportunity to stop by to get your downloads {the downloads begin with “month in review” }.

Welcome Little One Workshop
Check out Creativity Prompt’s new and unique self paced workshop: “Welcome Little One”. This workshop will provide you with everything you need, and then some, to make a fabulous handmade mini album to record the first moments of a new born baby.

Guest Post – The Story of Our Lives by Bonnie Rose Kempenich

Monday, December 27th, 2010


I hope each one of you had the best Holiday ever! I’m Bonnie Rose Kempenich of A Life Unrehearsed. I am an artist, passionate blogger, writer, amateur photographer, and card designer – living my best life right now in Fargo, ND. I am growing as an artist, experimenting with new mediums and playing with bright and bold color. Bright colors just make me happy! I am a big believer in sending real mail, the warm fuzzies kind of mail. My goal for this New Year is to grow more as an artist, and to inspire you with my art and my writings. I have so much in store for you!

You can read more about my life and art on my blog. I am a prolific blogger – meaning there is always something new and wonderful to share every day. Please come visit my Etsy shop for unique artist supplies, original art, and graphically designed greeting cards. A portfolio of my creations can be found on my Flickr page here. You can find me on Facebook here. Custom art and card design orders are always welcome! Wishing you all a fabulous New Year filled with dreams come true!

The Story of Our Lives

I love the fact how cameras have gotten so much better over the last few years. They are smaller, take better pictures, and are so much more affordable for everyone. I personally use a small Kodak Easyshare point and shoot camera. It’s my go-to camera, for everything. It’s what I use to take photos of my life.
The people.
The places.
The things.
The art I create.

Art Saves

One thing I love love to do is take photographs of still life.
Sedentary things.
Things that aren’t moving.

These tell the story of my life.

Creativity Prompt

I strongly encourage you to write this up in your journal. Think about this. Ask yourself these questions, then take your camera and start taking some amazing photographs. They are there, just waiting –

Art Saves

  • Look around your home, your room, your life.
  • What is there you can capture?
  • Take a close look.
  • Now take a closer look.
  • Point.
  • Shoot.


Post to your online gallery, your blog, or email a friend a few of your images of your world. What do they say about you? Your life at the moment?

Art Saves

Your life is right now. It’s here. Start living.
Start noticing all the little things.

Every image is a snapshot of our lives.
Look around.

And sit in wonder.
And appreciate all that is your life.
Right now.

Bonnie Rose Kempenich