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Posts Tagged ‘waterfall’

Creativity Prompt – Waterfall Mini-Album

Friday, February 6th, 2009

Waterfall Mini-Album For this week’s Creativity Prompt I have a fun little project for you – The Waterfall Mini Album. It’s a whimsical album that showcases your treasured memories in a playful way.

I have seen a couple of these mini-albums online but non had provided any instructions for assembling it. Therefore I have reversed engineered this album by trial and error with copy paper, until I managed to get it right. It ended up looking nothing like the ones I have seen online, but I love it and I can call it ‘mine’.

Now you can learn from my mistakes and have the full proof way of making your own waterfall mini-album…

Tools & Supply –

Tools and Supply
[For a closer look, click on the photo]

Click here for more details on my basic tools and supply.

SEI Alpine Frost paper pad.

How To –

For the cutting measurements, click here.

[The great music is by: Josh Woodward from his album: Only Whispering.]

More peeks –

Album's pages Album's pages

[For a closer look, click on the photos. I have erased the private letter to my husband]


If you have any question, suggestion or remark – don’t hesitate to contact me – either leave a comment, use the contact form or start a new thread on the Creativity Prompt Flickr Group!!!

I would also be very happy to see your own waterfall mini albums, so don’t be shy and share 🙂

Some more feedback on the videos is welcomed!!! (Don’t forget to rate & comment on YouTube. If you feel like it… 😉 )