[Fonts: KD Everyday, Modern No. 20, Gulim, Erika Ormig; Digital Kits: KD Sylvy, KD Say It With Love, KD fancy Borders 1 – all by Karla Dudley.]
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things
From: The Sound Of Music
Clearly, winning the lottery or receiving the Nobel Prize creates unimaginable bliss, but as the song says – also are the little, unexpected things in life.
Let me share something with you. It’s a very personal fact pertaining to my taste in men…
For a LONG time I fell in love with smart men. When I say ‘smart’ I clearly mean genius, well above average. The higher the IQ, the deeper my infatuation.
As I met Nadav (my husband) during my first year in Law School I am talking about teen love…
I loved the intellectual challenge. I loved the puns and the riddles. I loved all the mind games. I loved the extra reading to stay on top… (Have I mentioned how competitive I were in high-school?)
I loved it all. The more mind twirling I had to exercise – the more I enjoyed the chats with my latest crush.
Then I met Nadav…
Don’t get me wrong here. Nadav is one of them geniuses everyone loves to hate (but can’t).
He finished everything he ever did “Summa Cum Laude”, astonishing all his professors.
But he doesn’t take it too seriously. He enjoys life and he makes life enjoyable to anyone near him.
When I met him I suddenly didn’t feel like playing mind games.
I felt comfortable enough to be weak sometimes.
I felt comfortable enough to let my guard down around him.
I realized that I like that better and that for the first time I am truly in LOVE.
Journaling Reads:
I can always expect you to find bliss in everyday things.
You manage to find beauty and Joy everywhere you look.
Every occasion is a reason for a celebration.
Every menial task can become magical after you are done with it.
Everyday and everything is blissful in your mind and I am lucky to live this life with you.
You may think it’s the big things that stir you and brings happiness into your life, but it is the small, unexpected gestures that transforms your life from plain to extraordinary.
So take a pen and a journal and list all the things that makes you go ahhhhhhhhh.
What brings total bliss to your life? Share by leaving a comment, I’m looking forward to hearing from you guys.

Back when we were kids creativity came naturally to us. Everything was possible and our prolific imagination was the only limit we knew.
Through the years we have grown apart from our inner creative child and along with that – have lost our pristine and utter joy of creation.
In this e-book I will pave your way back to your inner creative child, brick by brick.
“Unleashing The Creative Child Within You” will explain why you became distant from your core creativity and will reveal the secret to getting it back.
With exercises designed specifically to help you find the inner child within you, regain its confidence and unleash it – you are bound to get your mojo back faster than you think.
Your inner creative child wants to come out and play, so don’t disappoint it and get “Unleashing The Creative Child Within You“.
Tags: Bliss, Digital Kits, Digital Scrapbooking, DT, Journaling Prompt, Karla Dudley
Posted in Journaling Prompt | 2 Comments »
Monday, April 5th, 2010
[Digital Kits: KD Cardstock Essentials, KD Blakely & KD Capture + Record – All by Karla Dudley]
Do you know an angel?
I know one.
My angel has a pure heart and beaming eyes.
My angel only knows one feeling. My angel knows LOVE.
My angel doesn’t envy. My angel isn’t mad. My angel doesn’t compete. My angel doesn’t hurt. My angel doesn’t lie. My angel doesn’t swear. He NEVER does. Ever.
My angel doesn’t wear wings, does yours do?
[In this layout is my nephew Shoham, 9 years old.]
Digital Tip
I created the word art in this layout my self. This is how I did it:
- First, I wrote my words on a white paper with various pens (both plain black pens and black calligraphy pens).
- Next, I scanned my paper in high resolution (600 dpi) and saved it as a JPG file.
- Then I opened the file with my Photoshop Elements and cranked up the levels [ctr+L/CMD+L]. Turning the “black” dial all the way to the first peak and the mid-tones dial all the way to the black one. The effect you are looking for is to have all the black parts REALLY black and all the white parts REALLY white.
- Then I turned my background layer into a simple layer, by clicking on it twice and opened a new layer beneath it.
- I made sure that I am on the original layer and picked up all the white parts with the Quick Selection Tool. I then pressed “delete” and the transparent layer showed up where the white used to be. I picked each of the small cavities inside the letters (e.g. the O’s and A’s) individually and deleted these white parts too.
- Then I merged the two layers together (merge not simplify!) and saved the file as a PNG file to keep the transparent attributes.
- Once your text is on a transparent background, you can select each word and each letter individually with the selection tool and then adjust its height and width with the move tool.
Give it a try, it is so simple and it lets you inject some personality to the digital layout. No tablet is necessary!
Who is the angel in your life? share your thoughts by leaving a message.
Are you planning on giving the digital word art a try? If you do, please share your work with us.
Tags: angel, Digital Scrapbooking, Journaling Prompt, life, tip, Word art
Posted in Journaling Prompt, Tutorial | 5 Comments »
Thursday, March 11th, 2010
[Karla Dudley Designs: Capture + Record, Silly Lines Green, Rub On Essentials 1 and Alpha Stickers 2; Font: Erika Ormig]
You have probably noticed how much I LOVE Karla Dudley‘s designs. I have been using her gorgeous products in my digital layouts for a long while – they are classically stylish and if a “hard copy” line had been offered, I would probably buy it too…
You can only imagine my delightful surprise when she said she was looking for designers for her CT. I just couldn’t believe my own eyes.
I am beyond happy for making it to the talented CT of the uber talented Karla.
Journaling Prompt
This layout is all about small comforts.
In my journaling I wrote:
When I was a young girl I used to think I needed to be a princess living in a crystal palace located on a rainbow in order to feel grateful. Now I know all I need are tea and cookies.
Like their name suggests small comforts are the little things that make us go “ahhhh…”.
The small things that make us feel serene and happy and thankful.
Jot down what are your small comforts. I assure you that acknowledging them alone would already make you feel this much better.
[Go here for the digital tip on how to create an outline image of your brush or png. image]
What are your small comforts? Leave a comment and share your delights with me. Please… 🙂
I love hearing from you guys.
Stay tuned for some more free journaling labels.

Check out Creativity Prompt’s self paced workshop: “Capture Your Dream”. In this workshop you will capture, follow and make your dream come true as well as document your journey in a mixed media mini album.
Tags: Comfort, Digital Kits, Digital Scrapbooking, DT, Journaling Prompt, Karla Dudley
Posted in Design Team, General Notifications, Journaling Prompt | 6 Comments »
Tuesday, March 9th, 2010
[Font: Erika Ormig; Digital Kits: Write It Down Cute Circles & Autumn Apples Polka Dot Papers by Shimelle Laine, available at Two Peas in a Bucket + Blakely by Karla Dudley, available at The Digichick Shop]
Smiling is better than make up. It gives you a natural glow and a sparkle in your eyes. It deepens your dimples and covers you with irresistibleness. I am telling you – smiling is way better tan putting on make up.
You may buy make up online, at department stores, drugstores, boutique shops – but where do you get a smile?
What have you that makes you brake out with a glowing smile?
Who brightens your day in a way that curves your lips from deep inside?
What can transform a gray day into a glorious and a happy moment?
Who is able to make you forget everything but your happiness and gratefulness?
I have my Nadav, my husband.
He injects my life with humor and makes it a million times better.
He manages to make me smile and forget I have been angry for an untended chore.
He surprises me, time and again, with the creative ways he finds to make me laugh.
He brightens my day and keeps my plate of gratitude overflowing.
When asked “where did you come up with that?”, he simply answers: “my mouth” or “my hands” – depending whether his current cuteness involves a saying or a deed.
Same goes for the arbitrary day in which he brought me a plate with an “apple face” – mine is smiling and his – sour.
I was surely smiling once I got this plate, but he’s just incapable of being sour 🙂
I love my Nadav.
Digital Tip
Do you want your png. images or brushes in your digital kit do double duty? Then create an outlined image of them.
How To – Adobe Photoshop Elements
- Lay your image or brush stroke on a separate layer.
- Copy this layer – either right-click on the layer indicator and choose “duplicate layer” or click on the image itself, while pressing the [Alt on a PC] or [OPT on a Mac] button.
- Reposition the copied image with the move-tool to where you wish your outline image to be.
- Open a new layer above the latter.
- Press [CTRL on a PC] or [CMD on a MAC] and click on the image on the left side of the copy layer indicator. That step will automatically select the image’s silhouette.
- Make sure your new – top layer – is selected and click on: “Edit” => “Stroke” (use the eye-drop tool to choose the color from the original image) and commit.
- Uncheck or delete the copied layer.
What makes you smile? Share by leaving a comment. I LOVE hearing from you. Each comment makes me smile, so please share!

Check out Creativity Prompt’s self paced workshop: “Capture Your Dream”. In this workshop you will capture, follow and make your dream come true as well as document your journey in a mixed media mini album.
Tags: Digital Kits, Digital Scrapbooking, Journaling Prompt, Shimelle, smile
Posted in Journaling Prompt | 4 Comments »
Thursday, February 18th, 2010
[Fonts: Rough Typewriter, Walk Around The Block; Digital Kits: Digi Essentials #2 by Karla Dudley & Write It Down Top Ten Lists
+ Long and Winding Road
– both by Shimelle Laine.]
Journaling Prompt
One of the disadvantages of a repeated daily routine is that its details are forgotten and lost.
We are so used to repeat the same errands or be with the same people every day that we don’t always notice things about them. We don’t notice the small details of what occurs daily without fail.
In my journey to document and remember as much as I can, I try to take heed of things that I can count on – for better or for worse – to occur and reoccur every single day.
This journaling prompt is general and can refer to people who do certain things in a certain way – every day, or it can refer to errands we run daily (or several times per day, OCD?!), food we eat or beverages we drink daily, etc.
In this layout I highlighted a few of my husband’s behaviors that come up each and every day – and I love him for that… It’s the small things that count most.
Leave a comment and share what things occur daily, without fail? I’d love to get a sneak peek into your dailyness (& I don’t care it isn’t a proper English word. I like it nonetheless).

“Capture Your Dream” workshop is relaunching as a self-paced workshop. Isn’t this the perfect time for you to capture your dream and make it happen?
Tags: Digital Kits, Digital Scrapbooking, everyday, Journaling Prompt, Shimelle
Posted in Journaling Prompt | 4 Comments »